26 November / 2024

Svenskt Vatten: “Someone in the government must take the lead”

Sweden’s water infrastructure is facing many challenges and is in urgent need of investment. At the same time, water is becoming an increasingly hot political potato – bouncing between five different ministers. “It is high time someone took control,” says Pär Dalhielm, CEO of industry ...
28 October / 2024

EU Funding Fuels Sustainable Water Projects in the Blue Economy

By bringing together innovative startups and investors, the EU initiative BlueInvest has helped attract over 300 million euros in venture capital for blue economy innovation.   Despite water being one of our most vital resources, ensuring sustainable water management remains a challeng...
18 June / 2024

VA Tour Sweden returns to Vatten2025

- I am really looking forward to bringing our own exhibition to Vatten2025:  VA Tour Sweden. With around 30 exhibitors, we will be able to offer a broad and deep insight into the latest innovations and solutions in underground water and wastewater management. This is a great opportunity to ne...
14 June / 2024

Water shortages, cyber attacks and construction projects worth billions – how the water and wastewater industry will tackle the future

Skills shortages, soaring costs, climate change and cyber threats. These are some of the biggest challenges facing the water and wastewater industry in the coming years. This is according to Erik Winnfors Wannberg, owner and editor in chief of the water and wastewater industry magazine Cirkulatio...
3 June / 2024

“Vatten2025 is an effective way for municipalities to keep an eye on what is going on in the world around them”

The increased security threat landscape and considerable investment needs are putting the entire water and wastewater sector, not least in Sweden’s municipalities, under increasing pressure. “We are facing major challenges that we can only solve together,” said John Skantze, chairman of ...